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New payment method in twentyxpro

IN this article New payment method in twentyxpro.
We have asked TwentyXpro Management to add the Credit/Debit Card payment method, and they did it for us .


Now, TwentyXpro is accepting payments using Credit/Debit Card through TransferWise.
Kindly Create your Free Account at TransferWise Here.

Verify your E-mail and your Phone number, and now you are ready to use it at any time.
We always encourage our members to find the easiest ways to support their team.


Today, your task is very simple.
Share this amazing news with your Team.
Success comes to those who are looking for it.

you can Register in twentyxpro from here

payment method in twentyxpro
Bitcoin (BTC)
Transferwise (Electronic Bank or master card )
Perfect Money (Electronic bank)
Paypal (Electronic bank)
Using the KEY (this means go to the person who told you to join and he pay for you to join us)

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